Prayer Team at Healing Grace Clinic
With the Lord All Things Are Possible!

The team will be updated monthly, via text message, with praises and requests. Urgent needs may be texted more often, as the need arises.
In the Bible, the prophet Nehemiah surveyed the land (Nehemiah 2:2-5). He saw broken pieces that needed to be put back together. The Lord gave him a desire to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. He prayed. He shared the dream with others. He organized teams of people. Some answered the call. What followed took much effort. There were threats from all sides. With stones in hand and weapons, the people successfully rebuilt the city together.
At Healing Grace, we have surveyed the broken pieces of those who have struggled to have access to medical care. We have the desire to help them build healthy lives physically, emotionally and spiritually. We are now sharing that dream with you. It will take time and effort. The work, at times, may seem overwhelming. But with God, all things are possible. The enemy is still formidable, however, so we are seeking prayer warriors to help in the effort. Would you be willing to team together with us in prayer as we move forward to help rebuild lives? If so, please contact us by clicking the "To Join Prayer Team" button bellow.